Christmas Wishlist That Saves Time and Stress – Free Printables Inside

If you want to make Christmas shopping a breeze this year, having a Christmas wishlist is the way to go. I don’t know why we never thought of it sooner! Having a Christmas wishlist is the perfect way to know what your family members truly want. If you’re tired of guessing what someone may like, this is the best way to make gift-giving easier this holiday season. Christmas time is just around the corner, and instead of hoping you’ll pick the perfect gift for family or friends, it’s a good idea to get a clear idea of what they actually want. This is where a Christmas wishlist printable comes in handy! Come on, it’s genius. 

It’s a great way to figure out their likes and preferences and what they truly need. We all have that one person who seems to have it all, that member of the family you simply can’t find anything they don’t already own. If that is you too, this printable will help you find the special items they still wish for, whether it’s coloring pages, a home computer, or a good book. It’s perfect for kids of all ages and even adults, and it’s a fun way to make your Christmas shopping list simple and stress-free.

Who doesn’t want that, especially at this time of year when we are all busy doing xy and z? Having that list of gifts ready for everyone will make Christmas shopping one last thing to worry about this festive season. 

I just want to say that this is for personal use only. If you want the free printable Christmas wish list template, stick around to the bottom of the post to download your free printables. 


Do You Need a Christmas Wishlist

It isn’t necessary to have a Christmas wishlist, but it makes life a little less stressful during the Christmas season. The last thing you want is to come close to Christmas day without having a clear idea of what your friends or family want that year. Having a wishlist makes getting the best gifts for everyone easier and gives you a great idea of different things they may want. Not only that, but the best part is you’ll have plenty of time to plan ahead. 

Christmas shopping can sometimes be tricky, especially when you’re not sure what people want. A free printable wish list is a great option to make things easier! That is why I have come up with these three free templates that let you or your kids write down everything they want so no one has a hard time picking out the perfect Christmas gifts.

A Santa wish list or one for family is a fun way to get organized and make sure everyone gets something they’ll love that Christmas morning. If you end up loving these beautiful designs, you can always come back next year and grab some more copies. 

Christmas Wishlist

I’ve created three free printable Christmas lists. These Christmas wishlists come in three different designs. Pick and choose whichever resinates with you. 

One of the Christmas wish list templates has spots where you can write down your wants, needs, something you’d wear, something you’d read, and your favorites. There is also a spot for your closing size. At the bottom of the free Christmas wish list printable is a spot for gift experiences you’d like to get.

Not everyone would like a new toy or a physical item. Some like making lasting memories, so that is there for those people. That printable is my favorite because you really get to know what the younger kids, even adults, want. It gives you an idea of their favorite things. 

The other printable is a little bit simpler. It is simply a list form where you can write down your exact Christmas gift ideas. This list is great for those who already know what they want. It’s the perfect list that gives you the space to write down all your Christmas wishes without all the other stuff. 

The last Christmas printable is more of a mix of both. This list is better suited for those who already know what they want. They can write down all their specific items at the bottom of the page. There is also a spot on the top where you can write your name, age, and whether you’ve been good, naughty, or a mix of both. It also includes a spot for your clothing size. Of course use whichever one you like the most. 

Download the Christmas Wishlist Printable

Let’s get to the fun stuff, shall we? To download the Christmas wishlist printable, click the link to the PDF file, print the different designs, or whichever you like, and as many as you want. 

Please note that this is only for personal use. You can get your copies by clicking the link to the PDF here

​If you liked this and would love to share it with friends or family, please send them the link to this post instead of the PDF file. In case you missed it, here is the link to the Christmas wishlist printables. 

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A Christmas wishlist printable

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