Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game Questionnaire Ideas + Printable

Maybe you’re here because you need fun baby shower games to play. Or possibly because you plan to host a baby shower for a dear friend or loved one. If that is the case, you’ve come to the right spot. In this post, I’ll share a fun game, The Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game Questionnaire. This is a simple game played at most baby showers for a good reason. With so many baby shower games out there, this is one of the easy games you can play that will also break the ice and get all the guests chitchatting. 

What is The Mom or Dad Questionnaire Game?

The Mom or Dad questionnaire game is a fun activity played at baby showers. Guests are given a list of questions to guess who they think will do certain things when the baby arrives. This can be mom, dad, or sometimes both. The questions can be about who will change the diapers the most, who will sing the most lullabies, or even funny questions. The guests determine whether they think Mom or Dad will do each task.

It’s the perfect game because it’s a great way to get everyone laughing and talking. If your close friends and family can’t attend your baby shower in person, don’t worry. It also makes a great game for any virtual baby shower. 

What Do You Need To Play?

You don’t need much to play the mom or dad baby shower questionnaire. Most of the things you’ll need are things you probably already have. 

  • You’ll need a printable mom or dad baby shower questionnaire, which I have provided below. The questions range from simple to funny, like who will be more likely to get peed on during diaper changes. Yes, I know it’s funny. Expect a lot of laughter from some of these questions!
  • You need enough copies of the mom or dad questionnaire for each guest and have extras on hand, just in case. Print as many as you’d like from the link below.
  • Be sure to provide enough pens or pencils for guests to fill out their answers. 
  • Give the guest anything from 10-15 minutes to answer the questions, which should be enough time for them to go through the series of questions. 

How Do You Play The Mom or Dad Questionnaire Game?

Playing the mom or dad questionnaire game is simple.

  • When everyone arrives, hand out the printable sheet and give each guest a few minutes to answer the questions. 
  • Make sure to hand props representing the dad, such as something blue or a mustache, and for the mom, something pink or lips. Anything will work as long as it shows it’s either Mom or Dad. It can also be something as simple as a prop that says, Mom or Dad. 
  • After everyone has finished, have the host or a family member read the questions to the guests. The guests will then raise one of their props or both to give their answers. So if the question is who will be the one to feed the baby the most, and they think it’s mom, they’ll raise the prop that represents mom. You can also have the parents-to-be sit back-to-back and answer the questions when the host reads them off. Whichever way you decide to do this is up to you. 

Either way, know the game isn’t about winning; it’s just a fun way to involve everyone and add laughter and conversation as you all try to predict how the new parents will handle their upcoming responsibilities. This baby shower game is also a great opportunity for guests to learn more about the parents-to-be. It can be played at the beginning or at the end of the party, with a small group of guests or a larger group.

There is also no time limit on this game. Of course, give the guests enough time to give their guesses, but to actually play it, feel free to take your time and even ask the guests questions about why they chose those answers. 

Related post: If you are looking for the best baby shower games for large groups, take a look at this

Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game Questions

Here’s a list of Mom or Dad baby shower game questions:

20 Simple Mom or Dad Game Questions

1. Who will change the baby’s diaper more often?

2. Who will be the one to soothe the baby at night?

3. Who will be more likely to get up early with the baby?

4. Who will be the first to baby-proof the house?

5. Who will be the one to dress the baby each day?

6. Who will be in charge of bath time?

7. Who will be more likely to read bedtime stories?

8. Who will be the go-to for feeding time?

9. Who will be the primary grocery shopper for baby items?

10. Who will handle the baby’s doctor appointments?

11. Who will be the first to post baby photos on social media?

12. Who will be the one to come up with the baby’s name?

13. Who will be better at burping the baby?

14. Who will be in charge of the baby’s laundry?

15. Who will be the first to hang a baby photo in the house?

16. Who will be more likely to assemble baby furniture or toys?

17. Who will likely forget the baby’s diaper bag at home?

18. Who will be more likely to take the baby on a walk?

19. Who will introduce the baby to nursery rhymes first?

20. Who will be more likely to make the baby laugh?

20 Funny Mom or Dad Questions

1. Who will be likely to make funny faces to entertain the baby?

2. Who will accidentally put the diaper on backward?

3. Who will sing silly songs to the baby?

4. Who will be more likely to get spit-up on?

5. Who will create the most ridiculous baby nicknames?

6. Who will likely to wear mismatched clothes due to lack of sleep?

7. Who will make a mess during feeding time?

8. Who will be the first to fall asleep while holding the baby?

9. Who will be more likely to forget where they put the pacifier?

10. Who will dress the baby in the most outrageous outfits?

11. Who will be more likely to talk to the baby in a baby voice?

12. Who will make the funniest faces while changing a dirty diaper?

13. Who will be the one to teach the baby to make funny sounds?

14. Who will be the first to show the baby a silly dance move?

15. Who will be more likely to get peed on during diaper changes?

16. Who will be more likely to use the baby food out of curiosity? 

17. Who will likely wake the baby while checking on them?

18. Who will make the most creative baby food combinations?

19. Who will take the most selfies with the baby?

20. Who will be the one to teach the baby the sounds that different animals make?

20 Additional Mom or Dad Questions

1. Who will be more nervous about the baby’s milestones?

2. Who will be the first to cry at the baby’s first word?

3. Who will be more protective of the baby?

4. Who will teach the baby their first life lesson?

5. Who will be more likely to worry about the baby’s future?

6. Who will talk more about their hopes and dreams for the baby?

7. Who will encourage the baby to try new things first?

8. Who will handle the baby’s first tantrum better?

9. Who will be more sentimental about baby’s keepsakes?

10. Who will be more likely to spoil the baby?

11. Who will be more likely to buy the baby a new baby doll?

12. Who will be more patient during sleepless nights?

13. Who will be more likely to teach the baby about kindness?

14. Who will be more excited to hear the baby’s words?

15. Who will have a stronger influence on the baby’s personality?

16. Who will be the first to tell the baby about their own childhood?

17. Who will be more emotional on the baby’s first day of school?

18. Who will come up with more fun questions to keep the baby entertained?

19. Who will be the first to teach the baby about family traditions?

20. Who will be the first to think about baby number two?

​Download the Mom or Dad Game Printable

To download your printable, click the link to the PDF file and print as many as you need. If you know someone who wants the link to the mom or dad questionnaire, just send them the link to this post.

I have provided you with two different printables, all with different questions. You can pick and choose which one you would like to use or do both if you’d like. Get your copy here.

You can also have the baby shower host or a family member read these questions out loud to the guests and have them guess by raising their mom or dad prop without printing this. 

As a reminder, this is for personal use only.

Final Thoughts on the Mom or Dad Baby Shower Game

This is a great game that connects friends and family while celebrating the expecting parents. While you do not necessarily win by getting the most correct answers, it is one of the easy baby shower games you can play.

You and your loved ones will have a blast reading these questions while enjoying time spent with the parents-to-be. The baby shower party will be one you’ll always remember. What makes it more wonderful are the best friends and family who are there with you.

If you found this mom or dad baby shower questionnaire helpful, please share it or save it to refer to later.

In case you have missed it, get your copy here.

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